@phdthesis{oai:soka.repo.nii.ac.jp:00040745, author = {藤田, 晶大 and Akihiro, FUJITA}, month = {2022-03-30, 2022-03-30, 2022-03-30}, note = {In glycoinformatics, GlyTouCan, the international glycan structure repository, has been instrumental to properly manage the increasing numbers of glycan structures being researched in glycobiology. We have performed a major update on the GlyTouCan batch system to ensure consistency in registering its structures. In GlyTouCan, in order to search for glycan structures, currently only exact match searches have been implemented. However, the similarity of glycans could be better evaluated by creating a more versatile monosaccharide substitution matrix. Therefore, we have created a monosaccharide substitution matrix that takes into consideration not only their 3D structures but also their physicochemical properties. In addition to searching for glycan structures, this is the first attempt to quantify the similarity of monosaccharides. We have also evaluated this substitution matrix on the human data in GlyTouCan, thus demonstrating its validity and applicability.}, school = {創価大学}, title = {糖鎖構造情報学の基盤強化のための糖鎖リポジトリと単糖置換?列の開発}, year = {} }