@article{oai:soka.repo.nii.ac.jp:00040626, author = {デ・フレイタス, ヌネス・アレセ and Nunes, Alesse de Freitas}, issue = {42}, journal = {創価大学大学院紀要, The bulletin of the Graduate School, Soka University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) attainability is considered a critical feature for the United Nations (UN) in this decade by 2030. This paper introduces multidimensional cosmopolitan dialogue (MCD) as a conceptual idea developed in the intersection of dialogue and global citizenship education. MCD can be employed to enhance people's engagement to achieve SDGs. The MCD elements emerged while analyzing Daisaku Ikeda's works, specifically his peace proposals sent to the UN from 2000 to 2019. For Ikeda, dialogue and global citizenship education are central to peace and can accelerate the 17 UN goals achievement. To understand the elements of MCD, a survey was conducted in four universities in Brazil and Japan (n=89). After qualitative and quantitative analysis, the universities were divided into group A and group B, the two more globalized institutions in group A. This study found correlations between dialogue and global citizenship. When students were questioned to express beliefs independently of the universities' influence, all four schools had similar results. In questions related to what extent the university has been influencing student's global perception, there was a significant difference between A and B. Regarding a better comprehension of SDGs, the minority of participants (4%) of B is learning about SDGs, compared with 61.6% of A. About appreciation for different cultures and people, 100% of A indicates a noticeable change in perception after entered the university, contrasted with only 5.8% in B. This study has demonstrated that high engagement in dialogue and global citizenship in higher education can change students’ perception of the world and collaborate for SDGs achievement. The MCD elements can help to increase the quality of learning environments and amplify student's agreement and action to peace.}, pages = {169--201}, title = {A Model for SDGs Achievement: Dialogical Global Citizenship Education in Daisaku Ikeda Peace Proposals}, year = {2021} }