@phdthesis{oai:soka.repo.nii.ac.jp:00039393, author = {山崎, 大志 and YAMAZAKI, Hiroshi}, month = {2018-04-10, 2018-04-10, 2018-04-10}, note = {This paper represents a novel technical approach for tactile sensing like human skin using hetero-core fiber optics. Hetero-core fiber optic sensors have a possibility to detect a variety of tactile information because they are highly sensitive to macro-bending and can measure in real time, in addition to some features as fiber optic sensors such as immunity to electromagnetic interference and chemical corrosion, implantability to composite materials, and passive sensor elements. A tactile sensor element based on a transmission-type hetero-core fiber was experimentally proved to measure contact force up to 5 N and discriminate tactile impressions of objects in terms of hardness and roughness by assessing temporal changes in sensor responses. Moreover, a reflection-type hetero-core optical fiber was found to perform as an artificial mechanoreceptor which responded to deformations on soft materials and furthermore detected both static and dynamic contacts with localized sensing area within few millimeters in diameter. As a result, it has been successfully confirmed that the hetero-core fiber optic sensors can be used as an artificial nerve device for tactile perception like human skin.}, school = {創価大学}, title = {ヘテロコア光ファイバセンサによる触覚センシングに関する研究}, year = {} }