@article{oai:soka.repo.nii.ac.jp:00037894, author = {望月, 雅光 and 金子, 徹哉 and 関田, 一彦 and MOCHIZUKI, Masamitsu and KANEKO, Tetsuya and SEKITA, Kazuhiko}, issue = {62}, journal = {教育学論集}, month = {Jan}, note = {Utilizing informational technology in education has accelerated since late 1990's in Japan. At higher education, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been implemented and utilized at various levels. At the Soka University, ICT was implemented in multiple ways with a grant by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, called Good Practice (GP). This paper introduces a unique effort to incorporate ICT at the institution. In 2007, “Promotion of self—disciplined learning using Web—Based Training (WBT) System” successfully received one of the GP grant. The University developed the system getting students to create questions cooperatively so as to deepen their understanding of learning materials. This program was named as the “Collab Test”. Since then, the University started up (1) e—learning programs for remedial purpose without credit, (2) online learning classes with credit, and (3) Student e—Portfolio system were also developed. Currently these ICT utilized programs are operated by the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) and the Office of Academic Affairs. The authors of this article are the members of these project's operation team. This article briefly reports these programs/projects.}, pages = {135--147}, title = {創価大学のICT活用教育の現状について}, year = {2011} }